The COVID-19 pandemic and the related income drop, cost increase and supply chain disruption, topped up by the requirement of timely settlement of liabilities, including those of public law nature, bring a whole new range of challenges to be faced by entrepreneurs, which may lead to losing financial liquidity and, in consequence, bankruptcy.
During the webcast our experts will present the repertoire of existing and planned solutions offered by law (including the new „Anti-Crisis Shield”), which may reduce the negative impact of the pandemic on financial stability of businesses.
During the webcast our experts will present the repertoire of existing and planned solutions offered by law (including the new „Anti-Crisis Shield”), which may reduce the negative impact of the pandemic on financial stability of businesses.
Our webcast „COVID-19 – Tax Measures” goes live on 30 March 2020 at 14:00 CET.
Topics to be covered:
- Tax measures already available (deferred payment, instalments, tax waiver);Business issues and expected support;
- „Anti-Crisis Shield” proposed by the Polish government;
- European outlook
The webcast will be hosted by:
Marcin Rudnicki Tax Partner, Head of International Tax at KPMG in Poland
Łukasz Kupiec Tax Assistant Manager, Tax Litigation and Controversy at KPMG in Poland
To register for the webcast, please fill out the registration form by 14:00 CET on 30 March 2020.